Depression: How To Help Yourself And Support Your Health

In the modern world, there are few people who have not encountered depression in its various aspects. In this article we will tell you not only about the signs of this disease, but how to help yourself and your loved ones.

Depression is a serious mental disorder that affects a person’s overall mood, behavior and physical condition. It can have a significant impact on quality of life, work performance and social interactions.

Psychological symptoms of depression.

1. Constant feeling of sadness and sadness. A person experiences a constant negative mood that does not go away for a long time.

2. Loss of interest and pleasure in life. Loss of interest in previously enjoyable and exciting activities and hobbies. The person may stop participating in social activities or games.

3. Decreased self-esteem and sense of self-worth. A person may experience feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or failure for no apparent reason.

4. Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Often accompanied by thoughts that nothing can be fixed or changed in life.

5. Difficulty concentrating and making decisions. Difficulty focusing on tasks or making even simple everyday decisions.

6. People with this disease often have dark thoughts about death and the meaninglessness of life.

Physical signs

1. Changes in appetite and weight. Many patients experience loss of appetite and, as a result, weight loss, even anorexia. But some may experience an increase in appetite and weight gain.

2. Drowsiness or insomnia. Depression often affects sleep, causing insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness and difficulty waking up.

3. Physical weakness and fatigue. A person may feel physically exhausted and weak even without physical activity.

4. Manifests itself in slow movements, difficulty speaking and decreased speed of thinking.

Social signs

1. Isolation and withdrawal from social contacts. A person may avoid interacting with others, feeling unable to maintain communication and interest in others.

2. Difficulties in communication and interpersonal relationships. Problems arise in establishing and maintaining relationships with loved ones and friends.

Also, this disease can often be accompanied by headaches, abdominal pain, muscle pain and other manifestations that have no apparent physical cause.

Depression can come in many different forms and types, including:

1. Major depression (single episodic).

 This is the most common form of depression. People with major depression often experience deep sadness and loss of interest in pleasures

2. Dysthymic disorder (chronic).

 This is a form that is characterized by long-term, persistent depression that can last two years or longer.

3. Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disorder).

 This is a mental illness in which periods of deep depression alternate with periods of euphoria or elevated mood. You are either good or bad.

4. Seasonal affective disorder (winter or summer).

 This is a form of depression that is associated with seasonal changes, usually occurring in the fall and winter.

5. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

People who experience a traumatic event, such as violence, war or disaster, may develop PTSD.

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression is a form of depressive disorder that occurs in women after giving birth. This is a serious mental illness that can begin within the first months after childbirth or even years after birth.

 Signs of PPD:

1. Women with PPD often lose interest in activities or activities that they previously enjoyed, including child care.

2. Feelings of fatigue and exhaustion can be severe even with short-term physical or emotional stress.

3. Changes in appetite and sleep. This can manifest itself as either loss of appetite and weight loss, or increased appetite with weight gain. Sleep may also be disturbed: a woman may experience insomnia or, conversely, excessive sleepiness.

4. Low self-esteem and guilt. Women with PPD may feel worthless or guilty, unable to meet the needs of their child or their loved ones.

6. Irritability and anxiety. Women may feel irritated, angry, or overly anxious about small things.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 10% to 20% of women who give birth experience PPD. This means that approximately 10-20 women out of 100 may experience this problem.

Postpartum depression is a serious condition that requires attention and support. Understanding the signs and timely help will help women cope with this condition and continue to fully care for themselves and their baby.

Diagnosis of depression

Diagnosing depression requires a comprehensive approach, including an analysis of symptoms and medical history. This disease can be diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist based on the following criteria:

– Presence of several key symptoms over a long period of time (usually at least two weeks).

– Rule out other medical causes of symptoms, such as thyroid disease or sleep disorders.

How to help someone

Support from loved ones and professionals plays a crucial role in treating depression:

  • Listen and be understanding. Just having someone nearby can make a big difference.
  • Help the person contact a specialist – a psychiatrist or psychologist.
  • Make sure the person gets the treatment and support they need.

Types of Treatment

Treatment for depression varies. Which one is right for you depends on the situation.

Psychotherapy. Individual or group sessions can help understand and address the issues underlying depression.

Pharmacotherapy. Antidepressants may be prescribed by your doctor to improve your mood and reduce symptoms.

Combined approach. A combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy is often used to achieve the best results.

Women are statistically more susceptible to depression than men. This is due to biological, social and psychological factors.

Depression can occur at any age, but is often diagnosed during periods of significant life transition, such as adolescence, pregnancy, the postpartum period, and old age.


Depression is a serious disorder that requires a careful approach and comprehensive treatment. Awareness of the signs of depression, timely diagnosis and support from others play a key role in alleviating the suffering of patients and helping them return to a full life.

If you or someone you love is experiencing symptoms of depression, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional for help and support.

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