Facts: Discover Amazing Nature And Not Only

Our planet and nature are so amazing that even studying it we still don’t know much. At school we learn about the largest animal, the smallest mammal, but how much more there is in the world. Every day we learn something new and today, in this article we will introduce you to several interesting and very funny facts.

Fact 1: Octopuses have three hearts

Imagine, octopuses have three hearts: Two gills, which are located near the gills and are designed to pump blood through the gills, where oxygenation occurs, and the Systemic heart. It pumps oxygenated blood throughout the rest of the octopus’s body.

This structure helps octopuses use oxygen efficiently, especially in conditions of low oxygen content in the water.

Fact 2: Honey never spoils

 Archaeologists have discovered honey in Egyptian tombs that was over 3,000 years old and was still edible. Honey really has the amazing property of practically not spoiling. Thanks to its unique properties, it can be preserved for thousands of years. Honey contains very little water, which creates an unfavorable environment for the growth of bacteria and microorganisms. It also has a low pH (around 3-4), which prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi.

Honey is a natural antiseptic. It contains enzymes such as glucose oxidase that produce small amounts of hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to all these properties, honey found in ancient Egyptian tombs was still edible thousands of years later.

Fact 3: Venus rotates backwards

Yes, Venus does indeed rotate in the opposite direction compared to most planets in the solar system. This phenomenon is called retrograde rotation. Venus rotates on its axis from east to west, while Earth and most other planets rotate from west to east. One day on Venus (one full rotation around its axis) lasts about 243 Earth days. This is longer than her year, which is approximately 225 Earth days. The reason for this unusual rotation of Venus is not fully understood, but one hypothesis suggests that a strong collision with another large cosmic body in the early stages of the planet’s formation could cause a change in the direction of its rotation.

Fact 4: Human teeth are as hard as sharks’ teeth

Human teeth and shark teeth actually have similar hardness due to the similar structure of their outer layer: The enamel of human teeth is the hardest substance in the body, consisting primarily of a crystalline form of calcium. Shark teeth are also covered with a hard outer layer similar to enamel. They consist of fluoride apatite, which has a similar structure and hardness.

This hardness allows both human and shark teeth to effectively perform their functions of cutting, grinding and grinding food.

Fact 5: Chocolate was currency

Chocolate in the form of cocoa beans was actually used as currency in the ancient civilizations of Central and South America, especially the Aztecs and Mayans: Among the Aztecs, cocoa beans were considered so valuable that they could be used to pay for goods and services. For example, one rabbit could cost several dozen cocoa beans. The Mayans also used them as currency and symbolized wealth and social status. These beans were often stored in special bags that were used for trading.

In addition to their monetary function, cocoa beans were used for preparing drinks and ritual purposes, which further emphasized their value in the culture of these peoples. Thus, cocoa beans were of great importance not only as a food product, but also as a means of exchange and an indicator of wealth.

Fact 6: Penguins can drink salt water

Penguins have special supraocular sebaceous glands located above their eyes. These glands filter salt from the blood. Excess salt is removed from the body through the beak or nostrils in the form of a concentrated saline solution. This adaptation allows penguins to survive in marine environments where fresh water is limited and effectively use salt water for hydration.

Fact 7: Giraffes have 7 vertebrae in their necks

Giraffes do have 7 vertebrae in their necks, like most other mammals. These vertebrae are very long and each of them reaches about 25 centimeters in length. Because of this anatomy, giraffes can stretch their necks to considerable distances, reaching the tops of trees to eat foliage, which is their main source of nutrition.

These vertebrae in the giraffe’s neck are not only very long, but also have a special structure that allows for mobility and flexibility of the neck when stretching and bending. Thus, thanks to adaptations in their necks, giraffes can find ample food available at heights that other animals cannot reach.

Fact 8: Coffee was discovered thanks to goats.

There is such a legend. In the 9th century, there lived a shepherd named Kaldi in Ethiopia. One day he noticed that his goats became very cheerful and active after they ate berries from a coffee bush. Kaldi decided to try these berries himself and noticed that they also gave him a feeling of vivacity and energy.

This incident marked the beginning of the use of coffee beans as a drink. Coffee was later grown in various regions of the world, and has since become one of the most popular drinks on the planet.

Fact 9: Elephants can recognize themselves in the mirror

Elephants exhibit amazing cognitive abilities, including the ability to recognize themselves in a mirror. This phenomenon was discovered through research conducted using mirrors and various self-recognition tests.

Research has shown that elephants exhibit typical signs of self-recognition, such as reacting to places that cannot be seen without the aid of a mirror and sometimes examining their own bodies when using a mirror. This makes them one of the few animals capable of this level of self-awareness.


We hope that these facts were interesting to you and we were able to surprise you and expand your horizons by adding new interesting knowledge. There are so many interesting and unknown things on our planet.

Which of these facts did you already know, and which were new to you?

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