Cat : Rare Breeds, How to Choose Your Ideal Pet

Cat is the most popular pet today. They are unpretentious, easy to care for and are a living endorphin. In this article, we will tell you how they developed and what rare breeds have appeared in our time.

History of cats

The history of domestic cats is closely connected with the development of human civilizations. Everyone knows that the ancestors of modern domestic cats descended from wild cats. Initially, they lived in the Middle East, about 10,000 years ago. This process was gradual and complex. The most distant ancestor of the cat is “Felis silvestris lybica”. It lived in the regions of North Africa and the Middle East. These wild cats were small predators. They lived in deserts and savannas, and hunted.

Then, with the advent of agriculture, people began to store grain in settlements. These reserves attracted rodents, which, in turn, attracted wild cats. They began to live near human settlements, where they hunted rodents. This way they provided themselves with food and at the same time helped people protect grain reserves.

Cats less fearful and more tolerant of people began to receive more food and space to live. This contributed to their further approach to people and the beginning of the domestication process. Unlike dogs, cats chose to live near people, considering the benefits of such a neighborhood.

Domestic cats became part of the cultures and religions of many ancient civilizations. For example, in Ancient Egypt, cats are sacred animals. They were associated with the goddess Bastet, the patroness of the home and family. Cats were revered, protected and used to protect grain from rodents.

Cats gradually spread throughout the world through trade and migration. Travelers and sailors often took cats with them on ships to fight rats. In this way, cats appeared in new regions.

There are hundreds of cat breeds, created both naturally and through selection. These pets have become an integral part of the lives of many people and cultures. They occupy a special place as companions and pets.

New breeds

The process of domestication of cats continues today. In addition to all the breeds we know, new species have appeared. Rare and exotic cat breeds attract the attention of animal lovers with their unique features and unusual appearance. More about this

Savannah cat

The Savannah is a hybrid breed. It was created by crossing a domestic cat with an African serval. Cats of this breed are large in size, have long legs and a spotted color. Adults can reach a height of up to 60 cm at the withers and a weight of 8 to 12 kg. They have an active and curious nature. These cats are very intelligent, which makes them similar to dogs in terms of learning ability. Savannah is known for its friendly and playful nature. They actively interact with people and can be very attached to their owners.
However, some countries and regions have restrictions on keeping Savannahs due to their wild heritage.

Singapura Cat

The Singapura is one of the smallest cat breeds in the world. These cats have large, expressive eyes and short, warm-colored fur. The head is small and rounded with pronounced cheeks.
The ears are large, wide at the base and rounded at the tips, which gives the cat a distinctive look.
Singapuras are friendly and affectionate cats. They become attached to their owners and love to spend time with them.
These cats get along well with children and other pets.
They are ideal pets for those looking for a small, but energetic and loyal cat.

Bengal Cat

Bengal cats stand out for their wild, leopard-like appearance, with a luxurious spotted or marbled coloring. They are medium in size, with a muscular and athletic build. Their coat is short, dense and silky. The Bengal cat is known for being very active and energetic. It requires a lot of physical exercise and mental stimulation. These cats love to play, climb and explore.

Their activity and intelligence require attention and interaction from their owners. Bengals are friendly and sociable by nature. They become attached to their owners and love to be the center of attention. It is ideal for owners who can provide it with enough space and opportunities to spend active time. If you are looking for a cat that combines a wild appearance with an affectionate nature, the Bengal cat may be a great choice.

Cornish Rex

The main feature of the Cornish Rex is its coat. It is short, fine and wavy, resembling curls. The coat lies close to the body and has a soft texture. They have long and thin legs, as well as a long tail. These cats have a slender body and large ears. This is an active and playful cat. It has a high energy level and loves to participate in various games and activities. Cats of this breed are intelligent and curious, quickly learn new tricks and commands. These cats are not prone to loneliness.


The Sphynx is completely hairless. Instead, they have a thin layer of soft down on their skin. Their skin is warm and requires special care. You need to regularly wipe the skin with a damp cloth to remove accumulated dirt and natural oils. Sphynxes may also need frequent baths, as their skin produces more oil than woolly cats. They have long legs, a long tail, and a rounded head. Sphinxes have a friendly and affectionate nature. They actively seek attention and love to be around people.
These cats do not like to be alone and prefer to be the center of attention

Toyger Cat

The Toyger is a relatively new breed. It was created with the aim of creating a miniature version of a tiger. It combines elegance and exoticism. The coat is short and dense, but it is pleasant to the touch and requires minimal grooming. These cats have a bright striped pattern and a muscular body. The average weight of an adult cat is between 3 and 5 kg. They have a friendly and playful nature. Toygers adapt to various climates, but it is important to provide them with a comfortable place to rest and protection from extreme cold and hot temperatures.


Each of these breeds has its own characteristics and requires special care and attention. Choosing a rare or exotic cat requires a thoughtful decision. After all, such pets may have specific needs related to their health and behavior. But today, cats remain one of the most popular pets in the world.

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