Secrets of Children’s Sleep: Importance and Tips

Children’s sleep plays a key role in their health and development. In this article, we’ll look at why quality sleep is so important, what factors influence its duration and quality, and offer helpful tips for creating healthy conditions for children.

Why do children need proper sleep?

You know that it plays a critical role in children’s health and development for many reasons.

During sleep, children grow and develop, as growth hormone is produced at this time. It helps strengthen the immune system, reduces the risk of obesity and supports overall physical well-being.

Getting adequate sleep is important for emotional regulation and health. It reduces stress levels, reduces irritability, and helps cope with emotional challenges.

During sleep, memory is consolidated and information received during the day is processed. This promotes better memory and assimilation of knowledge, and also increases the level of attention and concentration throughout the day.

Lack of sleep can lead to changes in a child’s behavior, such as hyperactivity, irritability, and problems with self-control. Also it helps normalize these aspects of behavior.

Sleeping is essential for brain development and the formation of neural connections, which is the basis for children’s intellectual and cognitive development.

All these aspects highlight the importance of regular and adequate sleep for children. It is an integral part of their health, development, and overall well-being.

Factors influencing the quality of sleep in children

These can be varied and include:

  • Regular sleep and wakefulness. If you follow a sleep and activity schedule. This can disrupt the circadian rhythm. This causes insomnia or waking up at night. It is difficult to put a child to sleep; he will struggle and cry. Why is this happening? If you put your child to bed later to stall for time, you are in vain. He is tired, they don’t put him to bed, this is stressful for the body. Stress provokes the production of cortisol (stress hormone), which prevents you from fully resting and falling asleep quickly.
  • Sleeping conditions. A comfortable and safe bedroom environment, quiet and dark conditions.
  • Physical activity. Regular physical activity promotes better sleep quality in children, but physical activity must end several hours before bedtime. For very young children this is swimming, gymnastics, or massage.
  • Nutrition and hygiene habits. A healthy diet and good hygiene before bed (eg, dental care, relaxing baths) help improve sleep.
  • Screen time. Excessive time spent in front of a screen (TV, computer, tablet or smartphone) can disrupt sleep due to blue light and stimulating content.
  • Health and medical problems. Physical or psychological problems such as illnesses, allergies, and syndromes can affect sleep.
  • Family environment and support. Family support, a comfortable home, and a sense of security.

Please note that each child is unique and the impact of these factors may vary.


You’ve finally gotten your baby to sleep, but there’s a problem. He woke up 40 minutes later. Why? A baby may wake up every 40 minutes for a variety of reasons, and this can be caused by both physiological and environmental factors. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. Sleep cycles. Children move between sleep stages every 40-60 minutes. This is a natural process, and awakenings may be associated with transitions between rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM sleep.
  2. Hunger or dissatisfaction. If the baby is hungry or unsatisfied (eg wet diaper, cold or hot), this may lead to awakenings. Make sure your baby is fed and his diaper is clean before putting him to bed.
  3. Illness or pain. Discomfort or pain caused, for example, by teeth, or colic.
  4. Environment. Noise, bright lights, or other external stimuli may keep your baby awake for longer periods.
  5. Emotional factors. Some children may wake up due to stress, anxiety, or a need for closer contact with their parents.
  6. Change of sleep phases. It is possible that the child has not yet learned to independently move from one phase to another, and wakes up with each sleep cycle. It is necessary to teach the child to overcome sleep.

To help a child sleep longer, parents should pay attention to creating a comfortable sleeping environment,

How to create comfortable sleeping conditions.

Here are some tips that can help create a comfortable environment for your child:

  1. Daily routine. Establish a clear daily routine with specific times and wake up, even on weekends. Regularity helps establish a biological rhythm and trains the body to expect sleep at a certain time. Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time.
  2. Creating rituals before bed. Develop a special ritual before bed that will signal the approaching time of rest. This could include reading a book, a warm bath, gentle music, or talking about the day. Rituals help the child calm down and prepare for it.
  3. Creating a cozy sleeping area. Provide a calm and cozy environment in the bedroom. Choose soft lighting, soothing colors for walls and textiles, and a comfortable bed with a quality mattress. Help your child create a place to relax.
  4. Limit screen time. Avoid using TV, computer, tablet, or smartphone before bed. Blue light from screens can slow down the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.
  5. Ensuring safety. Make sure your child’s bedroom is safe. Make sure furniture and toys are secure and avoid sharp corners and small objects that can become dangerous at night.
  6. Support and care. Show support and concern for your child. Be attentive to his fears and insomnia, discuss them, and offer your support. Do not leave your child unattended, do not let him “cry.” At night he needs you more than ever.


Creating a good sleep environment for children requires attention to many aspects and a regular approach. These tips will help improve its quality and ensure healthy sleep for your child.

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